There is nothing like being truly inspired by your own creativity, and it’s twice as easy to be creative when you’ve got the right tools! Well, the Ditto Looper is here to get those creative juices flowin’! The Ditto is a no frills box that makes it super-easy to loop to get inspired by your own musical mastery with it’s simple and compact construction. The video above shows the riff master himself, Mr. Paul Gilbert, showing how fun the ditto can be. Best of all, T.C. Electronics is now offering this pedal for $99.99. Contact our sales staff to order this cool little pedal today. Also, check out the step above the Ditto, the Ditto X2, available right here on our site! Be sure to have a look at all of our T.C. Electronics gear as well.

Check out what this great little pedal has to offer below:

Ditto Info Main



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