McSwain Guitars are some of the most unique and finely crafted instruments we've had the opportunity of carrying here at The Music Zoo. Built by Stephen McSwain in Portland, Oregon, you'll be hard-pressed to find a collection of guitars with more personality than these. Custom in just about every way imaginable, from the knobs and back-plates, to the inlays, headstocks and custom metal tops bound to mahogany. Our good friend Andy Aledort gives us an awesome review on a few special iterations of their flagship SM1 and slightly larger SM2 models, even laying down a few licks to show off how they great sound! Watch the video above, then scroll below to get a closer look at these incredible instruments!


Contact us at (516) 626-9292 //


"StaCool" SM-1





"Gasoline" SM-2



Military Brass SM-1



Vintage SM-2 Sunburst


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